It's been just over half a year since I got certified to use the Metrc API. In that time, I've found time to write some interesting tools. And since I'm treating my work for Marijuana businesses as a hobby rather than a side hustle, I figured I'd share some information on what I've created up to this point.
While I have a lot of bits and pieces, there are two tools that are complete enough to have some production value. Both of these communicate with Metrc in real time and use Metrc as the only storage mechanism (look Ma, no database!). They're both essentially "pretty wrappers" for data entry tasks that are tedious to do in the Metrc UI. They also serve as examples of how custom forms can be created to expedite and reduce errors while entering compliance data.
The first tool is a Strain and Item Manager. As you might expect, this tool provides the ability to add, update and delete Strains and Items. But it also provides information on relationships between Strains and Items. And it shows inventory of each individual Item.
Upon opening, the licensees Strains are provided in a scrolling selector (which is a little Jquery plugin I put on my github page: Scrolling to a Strain opens another scroller with all the children Items. Scrolling to an Item opens a table of all the Packages for that Item, including conversions of the total weight into a variety of units of measurement.
The second tool is a Package Manager. The intent is to allow splitting, combining or just repackaging any existing Package. This was originally three separate tools, but I eventually decided to make a single interface for all three activities.
No matter what you want to do with the tool, you'll start with one or more existing Packages. You'll also need one or more unused Packages (which at this point, will just be unused Metrc RFID tag/labels). Upon opening, you're presented with a way to move part or all of one Package into another:
While you'll have to enter the "New Package" Metrc Tag value, the rest of lets you pick from your live Metrc data:
This makes it easy to take part of a Package and put it into another Package. But, what if you want to take three Packages, extract concentrate, and label the new Package of concentrate? Or, what if you want to split the Package into several smaller Packages, like converting the concentrate into batches of brownies? There are handy "+ Add" and "- Minus" buttons for this purpose.
Again, these are just a couple of the tools I've put together since getting certified. I make them available for free to any licensee who wants to use them. And this is just the start. I look forward to building much more in the future. But for now . . . back to my real job!