Saturday, November 5, 2016

Women Grow Rocks!

Wow! Just Wow!

I learned about Women Grow during an initial meeting with a grower. I was assured, despite the name, men were welcome. So, I attended my first networking event, and I'm so glad I did!

The variety of people I met was very interesting. Some were just investigating the industry, trying to find a suitable role. Others had years of experience (despite a "13 year forced sabbatical" in one case). Conversations ranged from small talk to hard core business. The cost of Oregon's new testing requirements and limited growing space discussions reaffirmed and expanded my understanding of some of the challenges faced by producers and processors.

The event included a panel who discussed medical uses of cannabis. Dr. Rachel Knox introduced me to the endocannabinoid system and made me realize how little the medical community as a whole understands how to use marijuana as medicine, and how real and profound a properly prescribed regiment can benefit patients. "Professor P" dispelled the importance of THC and CBD as indicators of a strains profile, opening my eyes to the variety of cannabinoids and terpenes that give each marijuana strain it's unique characteristics. And of course, the panel discussed the importance of keeping pesticides, poisons and big pharma out of Cannabis.

I'm looking forward to the next Women Grow networking event. If you're in the industry, or want to get involved, I highly recommend attending the next event too! I hope to meet you there.

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