Monday, October 1, 2018

The Next Chapter

After getting certified to integrate with Metrc, I built a multi-tenant service which allowed me to explore a variety of issues faced by Cannabis companies.

All of the tools and apps were based on real world problems, gleaned from conversations and interactions with people working in Marijuana businesses. Some of these ended up being useful, and others ended up having limited value. Since the entire endeavor provided an endless stream of challenges and puzzles to solve, it was a huge success.

While I have every intent to continue writing software in my spare time, I want to experiment with new architectures and technologies. Migrating the current server and all of it's functionality is a possibility, but would take a lot of effort and time. Since this is my hobby, and something I do for fun rather than profit, I'd prefer bypassing the heavy lifting and getting right to the fun stuff.

So, I've wound down the service. Everything was written so it can run on-premise, or on a company-specific hosted account. There may still be some maintenance work to do, but I'm trying to find alternative solutions for any businesses still needing functionality.

Again, this does not mean an end to writing software to solve Cannabis related problems. It means the freedom to try something new. I've learned I don't want to run my own company. But I do want to continue solving problems and creating solutions. So, I'm not sure what I'll build next, but as long as it's challenging, I'm up for it!

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